Research and policy development
Help you design and complete research projects from start to finish
Anderson Consulting has carried out a major survey study "Why Post Offices Need to Offer Banking Services" for the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association of 3326 rural and small town post offices. The results of the survey show that some 1200 communities in Canada with a post office have no bank or credit union.
Anderson Consulting has researched and written the major study “Why Canada needs Postal Banking” for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in October 2013 . This study has had 115,000 downloads as of April 2014
Anderson Consulting has carried out a survey of 1600 mayors, reeves and band chiefs on the shut downs of rural post offices. This survey was written up as analysis of post office closings and published in April 2014.
John Anderson has written an op-ed “Another Nail in the Coffin” in the Vancouver Sun in April 23, 2014 on rural post office closings
Develop and Implement Programming
John started the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Co-operative Development Program with Arctic Co-operatives, the Assembly of First Nations, and the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.
John led the campaign and secured the $1 million SSHRC Community University Research Alliance Measuring the Co-operative Difference project 2010-2015.
John led the research for Time to Act, a major study for the National Council of Welfare on First Nations, Métis and Inuit child and youth poverty.
Education and Training
John oversaw the development of training and education policy for the Canadian Labour Congress.
Research on technological change
John is co-editor of the groundbreaking two volume collection Re-shaping Work which examines technological in the workplace.